I Joined S&A Geophysical in 1974, initially working in the Bond Street Office on the interpretation of North Sea data. After the move to Bromley (which preceded the move to Swanley - remember the Belaco Belle?), I was on two cruises in the North Sea, first out of Den Helder, and then out of Inverness. My job was tape changing on the DFS IV, and all of us joined in cable wrangling. My main memory of the first cruise is being monumentally seasick - the instrument room, midships and on the waterline without any external view, was ultimately sick-making! The routine was to change the tape, dash to the heads and dash back to change the tape! I had learnt my lesson on the second trip and took sea-sickness tablets in good time.
Wrestling with the cable on the stern deck with waves flooding up the stern-ramp was exciting, to say the least!
I later worked on the first two Dorset field crews as Computer.